Event planning is our passion. We had helped many big corporate clients to organize their corporate events.
Some of our established clients:

Bristol Mayer Squibb for their Sustagen brand,
Kellogg’s Asia Pacific for their cereal breakfast,
Mamee Double Decker for their Nutrigen and IQ3 yogurt drink and LiteYo yogurt,
Jordan Regional Office for their launch of Portable toothbrush,
3M Malaysia for their Scotch-Brite, Command and Scotch Tape,
Evian for their Evian facial spray and many more…


Any projects, either roadshow or promoter activation in product advisor or sales promoter or sampling promoter, will require recruitment of relevant promoters. Once recruited, the next course of action will be to provide training on brand overview, product knowledge, objectives, Do & Don’t and selling skills., etc.

Type of promoters

1. Product Advisor

  • This promoter will be trained to focus on detailing your products and advising the consumer on what is the best and relate it to your product.
  • This promoter will be best given a visual aids tool to consumer for interaction.
  • The detailing tools will talk about a specific topic related to your product or brand.

2. Promoter Sales

This promoter objective is to guide the consumer through product explanation, product availability, promotion, mechanics and close sales.

3. Promoter Sampling / Promoter redemption or any other related work, can be discussed to suit your needs.


Market intelligence is the information that you will require to plan for your next course of marketing plan. It is to gain information on your consumer preferences so that you know and can tackle them better.

For this, we will monitor for you on the pricing, either during normal or during promotion. We will check your competitors’ movements and revert to you for counter action. We also do the survey on the layout of the mall so that you can decide your next action or plan.

Other than that, we also do:

  • Share of space tracking
  • Drop Sales
    • By brand
    • By product
  • New Product
  • New Brand, etc


It is our complimentary services for our lovely client. For example we will provide gifts for corporate events, plaque for awards, launch gift memento, etc.

Having your product at the hand of consumer.

Through Creative Ideas, Innovation, Sheer Determination and Event Experiences.

Let’s Get Started!